The Church.

6-9 JANUARY 2025

The Church.

His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. [Eph 3:10]

A correct understanding of the church is key to a successful and effective church. At this year’s Summer School we look to explore the church and its elements from both a biblical and practical perspective.

The BMi Summer School presents an opportunity to spend several days immersed in the Word of God, with solid teaching from a variety of speakers. The Summer School is open to all who wish to attend.

Dates Mon 6 - Thu 9 Jan 2025

Venue House of the Rock Church, Gisborne, Victoria


Accommodation is the responsibility of delegates. Some nearby hotel options are listed below:

‘The Mews’ 902 928
Gisborne 5428 2414
Black Forest 5426 1600
Mount Macedon 5426 1888

Billet Accommodation

We expect there will be limited billet accommodation with church families, on a first-come-first-served basis. Although final details are not yet available you can indicate your interest and we will contact you as details come available.

Billet costs will be approximately $50 per day for a couple including bed and breakfast.


The cost per delegate is $220 which includes morning tea and lunch each day. Breakfast and dinner are not included. There are a number of cafes, pubs and restaurants within easy distance of the venue.


The BMi Summer School begins with a session at 2.00pm on Mon 6 Jan and concludes with lunch on Thu 9 Jan. Each day will include some free time for fellowship and digestion of the session content. Some of the proposed topics include the following:

History of the churchApostleship and church planting
The church: What it is and what it is notProphecy
Building the church (and the church building)Evangelism
The church and the KingdomPastoral ministry
Church government and disciplineTeaching
Office and ministry of elders and deaconsPentecost and the church
The ascension giftsThe persecuted church
The body of Christ - body ministry


Please send your registration to the following bank details and BMi will issue an invoice/receipt.

Bethesda Ministries International

BSB: 633-000

Account Number: 128 009 461

For any questions please phone or email the BMi office on (02) 6112 8527 or